ph problem,nano cube


I just started jbj nanocube two weeks the go, I have 20 lbs of aragonite, red sea salt mix and the stock filter i been running for two weeks and still can't reach the right ph i start add buffer by seachem for a week and the reading is 7.3 I don't know what else to do i relly preciatte any help.
thank you.


Just buy a chunk of dead coral. That will raise it. I had this prob in my fresh tank. PH wouldnt get above 6.1 so I added about 1/4 lb of dead elkhorn coral and its nearing 7.2 now. Also baking soda works, IN SMALL QUANTITIES. It works quick so be carefull, and test it every 20 mins after you add it. Use like 1/8 tsp, till you get 8.2. I've never had PH Up or 8.2 modifier work for me. Might just be my low PH tap water though.


Active Member
seachem makes and 8.3 ph regulator which also will raise you alkalinity. i've been using it and it keeps my water stable there or just below.