PH problem need help!


i had Bought a coral that had some polyps that were died. When I had tested the water for that week, i realized that there was alot of ammonia, nitrite, and nitate, so i took out about 5g from my 15g fish tank add 5g back, if fixed if. ok the point is that the saltwater i had bought form lfs had the ph at 7.4. i found that out 2 days later. now all my fish had died and my corals don't look so good. i then started to add a reef buffer, that raises the ph to 8.3 ,made by seachem. the problem is that the ph dosen't stay at 8.3, it goes back down. the water is also cloudy. :help: how can i fix this?
and can anyone help??


A 15-20% water change would help if not more. Remember, when you add the PH buffer you also raise the Alkalinity 1 meg. So be careful with that. You tank might be overstocked.


so a 20% water change would fix it all? also why does my ph keep going down? am worry about that and thank you for helping me.


No it wont fix everything, however it is a start. How long has the tank been set first? It sounds like your still going through a cycle.....showing amonia and nitRITE. If your tank is still cycling do not do the water change...let NATURE take its should be showing 0 on all those except the nitrate. I would remove the corals if your still cycling because they will probably die. Or you could use the chemical called will not remove these chemicals, however it will make them notoxic so your corals and fish will not die......I only recomend this because you already have a stocked tank.


i had this tank running for 2 or so years also my ammonia= .25 or less my nitrate=.5 or less and my nitrite= .0 thats good right??


also yesterday i ran to a lfs to buy 10g of saltwater and a 10g tank so i can move all my coral ,clam and clean up crew,
here is a pic of the tank before all this


Everything should be at 0. Corals cannot handle nitrates like fish can. What type of filtration do you have? Sounds like you're either over stocked and/or you're feeding too much. Write back in regards to your filtration, quanity of fish/inverts, feeding schedule, maintenance schedule.
:notsure: :confused: You need some:help: Oh yeah...use Prime plus. It makes the ammonia, nitrates, nittrites non toxic. However, it does NOT remove them, that's nature's job.


New Member
I agree.... sounds like your overstocked. To bad you cant post a pic so someone here can make that judgement 4 you.......
If all your fish are dead your corals are probably not doing well they may soon turn dull in color, close up or may even die off.... Inverts such as corals are far more sensitive than fish to any pollutants in their water....
So sorry man I wish you the best of luck... let us know how it goes....


New Member
Oh and yes I beleive I have used the PRIME plus before aswell works great.....
Once again good luck with your tank...


my ph is at 8.2 ammoniais at .25, nitratesis at 5.0, nittrites is at.15 test i am useing a fluval 104 and a hang on with only of sponges also how can i post a pic of my tank?? ot show you guy
before the fish died i would feed them 2 times a day i had 2 sebae clowns
i have the
pulsing x coral
Coral - Leather, Finger x2
Coral - Leather, Milk
Feather Duster
Coral - Ricordea Yuma
Zoos - Green Eye
Leather - Toadstool
clam 2in
lr and live sand
the water now looks beter then yesterday
thank you all for caring


How much live rock/sand do you have? You should have at least 1.5-2 lbs per gallon of water. so for a 55 gallon, you'd need about 80-110 lbs of L/R, and about 3 inches (deep) of live sand. How often do you clean your filter and do water changes? Because those parameters are too high. Oh yeah, do you have a protein skimmer?...and if so what kind? You should only feed your fish once a day. This is a highly debated topic on (and everywhere else). Bu if you took a poll, you'd find out that the majority of (marine) aquarists feed their fish/inverts only once a day..
Here's my advice.
1. Use prime plus
2. Do a 30% water change
3. Clean your filter & media (get new sponges, carbon, etc)
4. Buy more L/R, L/S (only add in about 4-5 lbs of L/R at a time. If you add too much, you will get ammonia spikes and mini cycles over and over again
5. Buy more l/s ammount does'nt matter; make sure you have a total of 3"
6. Add about 4-5 lbs. of L/R (this will be about a normal sized piece) every week until you have about 100lbs.
7. If you don't have the $$$$ make your own L/R, it's SUPER easy and it's about .12 cents a pound!!! Look under "DIY & Equipment here on SWF. com scan until you see a post titled "SCOTTY 9311" he's the guy you want to listen to;trust me, I followed his recipe and am now making $$$ selling the stuff to fish stores.
Get a decent quality protein skimmer...Bak paks & Aqua C remoras are a few of the best for the $$$.
8. Keep up W/a regular maint schedule.
9. Use R/O D/I water. Most decent LFS sell it, it's about .30-.65 per gallon. Or you could buy a R/O filter for about $100, but right now, I would spend the $$$ on a decent protein skimmer.
10. Buy EVERYTHING online, especially your expensive items, unless of course you need it now
11. Write back and tell me how it went/goes.
12. GOOD LUCK and remember, this is a learning process


Doesn't sound like your tank is overstocked to me. Also doesn't sound like it's in the middle of a cycle, considering it's like 2 years old.
I hope transferrign everything to the 10g helps. You said oyu got the 10g of water from your LFS..did you test the parameters of it? Is it from a cycled tank? If it's just fresh-mixed saltwater, it could be a problem.
I hope everything works out with your system!


i put new water in the new 10g tank but i only kept them in there for 8 hours or so until the 15g tank was fixed
and thank you for helping me

also why does my ph keep going down? could it be the calcium is too low. its at 240 or so
also i did test the water and it was ok