Ph Problem


My Ph seems to be stuck around 7.8ish. Any ideas what I can do to raise this to a more appropriate level? I have tried perfect Ph and it is ok for a couple of days and then it falls back to 7.8. Alk is usually around 120 to 130, and I use instant ocean salt.
Any help would be much appreciated.


Active Member
just one you have lots of air flow though the house, windows and doors open? Sometimes during the summer and winter when we keep the windows and doors closed the co2 increases while the o2 decreases. This can sometimes cause a ph drop.

bang guy

My guess is a Calcium/ALK imbalance.
Could you post these two levels? The ALK level you posted, is that 130ppm?


if you are listing PPM then your alk is around 7.3 DKH. alk could be a little higher but I bet that isn't your problem. golfish has great point. It could also be test kit error.

the reef

Originally Posted by RaveChild
My Ph seems to be stuck around 7.8ish. Any ideas what I can do to raise this to a more appropriate level? I have tried perfect Ph and it is ok for a couple of days and then it falls back to 7.8. Alk is usually around 120 to 130, and I use instant ocean salt.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I had the same problem you could have a imbalance with your alkalinity itself as in the ballance of carbonats and bicarbonats. here is my thread on the matter I did some resurch and did some tests and if your interested here it is
Identified my ph problem by the reef if you go to that thread you will see my results and am still dosing every day untel my ph is disired

bang guy

Originally Posted by RaveChild
Alk is 120-130 mg/L
Calcium is 320mg/L
With those levels I would tend to agree with golfish with excess CO2 in the water.