Ph Problem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Have you tested the water you're putting in? If you're using tap water to mix, or the salt you're using isn't good, it can mess with the pH of your water change water. If you don't start out with the right water, it's hard to suppliment it up to the right level.
What kind of substrate/rocks do you have? Aragonite can help naturally balance the pH.
TEst your ROwater.
Also, check your test kit. I had a cheapo test kit for nitrates. My trates were always at 10ppm, but my inverts were dying, so I took a sample to the LFS for them to test.
75ppm is what it turned out that I had. Let me tell you, I bought a reliable test kit after that!
But if you are putting in very acidic water, that my be the problem


yeah we used to up to about 3 months ago there was some problems in the Bronx and the city told us we had to take out alll computers



Originally posted by nyfireman3
yeah we used to up to about 3 months ago there was some problems in the Bronx and the city told us we had to take out alll computers

Sounds like someone was going where they weren't supposed to be.....:nope: