PH Probs!


ok, i have 2 fish acting kind of odd, so i decided to check my PH, bounces from 8.7 to 8.8 i am sure this is way too high! the proper PH is 8.2, right? so any suggestions on how to get it down safely? could my PH be the thing that is making the fish act strangly, the other 2 (i have 4) are fine. my ammonia is ok and so are my nitrites and my salinity is 1.021, any suggestions?


that PH is a little high. when is the last time you did a water change? Did you dose anything before you checked your PH? What is your alkalinity and calcium level.


Active Member
I agree with everything stated above, also, it isn't at a critical level, but unless you are keeping FO then you might want to bump up your salinity to 1.023-1.025


Active Member
I'm interested in this. If 8.8 is not critical, on the other scale is 7.8 ok?
What are you using to check your pH - is it accurate


well, i did my last water change Wed. and i don't check my alkalinity and calcium, the fish store said it wasnt that necessary, so i am not sure. but i add a calcium supplement everyday, the directions said to add it once a day, my tank is fish only. i use an electric thing to check it, thats it.


Active Member
You shouldn't really be adding anything without testing to see if it is needed.
If your tank is fish only it won't use up calcium so that you need to add it every day (am I right here?)


Active Member

Originally posted by col
I'm interested in this. If 8.8 is not critical, on the other scale is 7.8 ok?
What are you using to check your pH - is it accurate

The pH is critical, I was talking about the salinity.



Originally posted by microman2k
well, i did my last water change Wed. and i don't check my alkalinity and calcium, the fish store said it wasnt that necessary, so i am not sure. but i add a calcium supplement everyday, the directions said to add it once a day, my tank is fish only. i use an electric thing to check it, thats it.

well, when i first started my aquarium the people at the fish store just said this kit which come with calcium, iodine, and strontium/molybdenum said it would be great to get my tank. on the calcium it says that is for my invertbrates and stuff like that, so do you think i should use less daily or do it every other day?


ok well i just raised my salinity like 1-2 points so that should help but that raised my pH to 9
is there any way i can lower it? water changes? i just used the last of my spring water, but we just got a big snow, do you think that would be better than boiling tap water?


I would do a water change with distilled water. not the fridge water. also, if you are dosing calcium everyday then you have probably lowered you alkalinity quite a bit. That could be your problem. You don't have enough buffering capasity to keep your PH in a safe range. You can temperarily lower your PH by adding a little vinager. How big is your tank?


its a 29 gallon, how much vinegar? what kind? how long will it last? will it hurt the tank? i am getting snow from outside and letting it get room temperature, i figured that would be best since i can't get out to get distilled water.


ok, why would you suggest me NOT using snow, i just thought it was pure water? i am going to make a post on it.....:thinking:


just use distilled white vinegar. start out with 5 or 10 ml and monitor your ph. how long have you had a PH monitor? what kind? have you ever calibrated it?


thanx a lot, i didn't see this or i wouldnt have made a new post but thanx a lot!
its a new pH i just got it a couple months ago, i have never calibrated it, i am not sure what kind it is, it doesnt have a name on it, thanx!


well, if you have never calibrated it then it is probably not giving you the correct PH? calibration fluid is cheap and you have to have it.