Ph question.


New Member
Hi, I have a ph problem that bothers me for a while. It's been couple weeks now that I am struggling to keep my ph up but fail. my ph level now are 7.75~7.8. I have use buffers every other day for a week now, the ph level rise a little right after I pour the chemical to the tank, but few minutes later it drops... and I still using the buffer from Kent marine....I have live rock, a blue tang, yellow tang, flame angel, maroon clown, pink anthias in my tank, plus some waiting in line to die hermit crabs(I think due to low ph)....what is going on with my water chemistry????? please help
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate less than 20
ph 7.8 (low:eek:)


New Member
Thanks for your valueble opinions...
I use instance ocean salt and RO water... I believe everything I use is proper.... I will try to airing the room, Thanks


You might also want to try increasing time between water changes. I use to do 10% water change every 2-3 weeks and had some trouble. started doing it weekly and the problem disappeared.