PH Question


I am cycling my tank and I put some new base rock (Lace Rock) in. My ph spiked to 8.8+. Is this a problem since there is no live stock in the tank. Also should I use a PH lowering additive or just water changes to lower the PH.


Active Member
Not really sure what lace rock is, but don't try to adjust your pH during the cycle. It won't normally hurt anything. Seeing that your pH spiked with the addition of that rock, maybe it isn't reef tank compatible.


New Member
I would avoid dumping in chemicals to get the pH down. Try doing a water change first, see if that helps. Also, check your alkalinity levels, they are also going to be off with that high of a pH. The high pH could be due to a spike in ammonia (which is expected when curing live rock); amonia is a base, and so by definition has a high pH.


Active Member
Did you scrub the lace rocks before placing into your tank? I never had a problem with my PH when placing lace rocks into my tank. They're being taken over by coraline algae right now after 4 months. :happyfish


yes, scrubed and washed throughly.... Maybe its somethink else that caused the PH spike and it just coinsided with placing the lace rock in the tank. But since it is cycling I just need to wait and do water changes Correct???? Also, if it is the rock it should correct itself over time, like live rock, Correct???


Active Member
The lace rocks will become just regular base rocks, it won't ever become like the live rocks itself. They're not porous enough. Just wait and cycle your tank right now since you don't have anything in there anyway. Just watch your ammonia, don't let it get super high, if it does, just do a water change to lower it. Good Luck! :happyfish


thanks, I think I messd up the first test. Took readings last night and PH is 8.2... Opps (dumb newbie).... LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by re_vogel
thanks, I think I messd up the first test. Took readings last night and PH is 8.2... Opps (dumb newbie).... LOL
We all mess up reading sometime. It's all right, at least your PH is in good shape! :happyfish