Ph Question


I did a water change over the weekend and added a ph buffer to my new water. The Ph in my tank went from 7.8 to 8.4. Isn't this too much of a rapid jump?


Active Member
Yes. What kind of pH buffer did you add? If you had a pH problem, you probably had and still have an alkalinity problem. Do you have an alkalinity test kit?


I checked the PH in the unsalted RO/DI containers & they PH was only 7.4. That's why I added Seachem's Marine Buffer


Active Member
ugh, I do not like SeaChem's buffer. Get an alk or dkh test kit, and if it is low, add Kent Marine Super dKH buffer.


Active Member
Well I found that it just does not work very well. It is usually not your pH that needs to be buffered, but it is usually your alkalinity or calcium that is the issue.


Active Member
Wouldn't you want to check the ph of your saltwater, not the ro/di?
It seems like that would be most important. Your salt mix should bring your ph to the somewhat correct level. As long as you use the same mix and bring to the same salinity each time, your ph should remain relatively constant. Or did I miss something here?


Active Member
you should check the salt water, not hte RO/DI water... when you add salt, your ph will increase. I use the Seachem pH Buffer, but cant remember the last time i actually used it


Good point---I never thought of that! Thanks! My next water change I will check it after the salt is mixed in