PH stays around 7.8


New Member
I have read I think just about all of the threads on our SWF site on PH, and I am still confused as to what I am doing wrong as to why I can't keep my PH up around 8.0 to 8.2
No matter what I do, both my reef tank and my fish only with live rock tank both stay at around 7.8 ph. (sometimes it gets a little lower like 7.6 or 7.7) It is a little higher after I do my bi-weekly water change, but then it drops again.
On my reef tank, I don't keep a glass top on, surface water is rippling from power head circulation.
I did the test where you measure you ph of your tank water, then take a sample of the tank water in a container and put it outside on the poorch in the fresh air. Then after 15 minutes or so, remeasure the ph. I did that to see if I have built up co2 in the house. The ph went up maybe a notch, but nothing much.
There is no food laying around in the tank. Tested phosphorus, and it is just about zero.
How else can I get my ph up without throwing in buffers, which don't seem to keep it at the right level.
I am very confused about it. Both tanks are running about a year. I am worried about the ph because in my reef I have animals that can get upset with the lower ph, like my pulsing xenia. I also have lots of soft corals and mushrooms.
I do add buffer to my R.O. top off water, but the tanks seem to stay between 7.6 and 7.8. What do you think I am doing wrong, or what should I do different.
Running sump in both tanks and protien skimmer. 2 1200 powerheads as well.
Any ideas would be appreciated.


I would love to see what people say about this. I have the same problem. We tried Proper pH 8.2. All that did was keep the pH at 8.2 for about 1 1/2 hours. After that it went right back to 7.8.


Active Member
use Kalkwasser, thats exactly what its for (carbon build up control when nothing else works). mix it with your top off water per product instructions (or drip it I suppose).


Active Member
A kalk drip will work and there is plenty of info on how to do it if you use this forms search function or google kalkwasser. When you first start test daily for PH and ALK. Eventually you will hit upon the right mixture and drip rate for your tank. When you get it right your alk PH will stay stable and after you bring your calcium levels up with an additive the kalk drip will also maintain it.
Try opening a window/ventilate the fish room also. Well insulated houses tend to have pretty stale air that has an adverse affect on PH.
IMO buffers are a waste of money and a short term fix at best.

bang guy

Originally Posted by rarend
I do add buffer to my R.O. top off water,
In my opinion this is your problem.
What are your Calcium and Alkalinity levels?


Active Member
Originally Posted by velvetchs
I would love to see what people say about this. I have the same problem. We tried Proper pH 8.2. All that did was keep the pH at 8.2 for about 1 1/2 hours. After that it went right back to 7.8.

ok hers what happens i would have to put in chemicals to kepp it low but i had pete moss in my filter in a filter bag and it absorbed my chemicals so do yuou have some kind of water softener take it out and try it i JUST started my sw tank and have nothing but lr&ls in it nad is up for about 3 days now and my ph is 7.8 out of the sink and now its at about 8.0 and cant get it anywhere high enough for invertts at about 8.3-8.4
i doubt this helps but i thought i might as well share my expierence any maybe get ya thinkin :notsure: :thinking:


Active Member
As mentioned, alk and calcium are critical.
8.3-8.4 is not required for inverts, IMO....but then 7.6 is getting on the low side I agree.
What sort of test kit are you using and have you ever had this reading double checked using another test kit? That is the first thing I would do.


I have the same problem. I am taking my water in to LFS this week to test.
Same problem with the buffer too ... very temp.


Active Member
Try airing out your home. You see this complaint mostly in the hot summer months and dead of winter when we tend to close up our home. Indoor carbon dioxide builds up..and can be three times that of outside air from respiration and gas appliances. Try airing out at least with a cracked window. Or do this, take a cup of your tank water and leave it outside for awhile...test it, see what you get after an hour..two hours. Some people even run the venturi tube from their skimmer though a carbon filter to the outside so the tank gets fresher air.


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Some people even run the venturi tube from their skimmer though a carbon filter to the outside so the tank gets fresher air.
Wow thats extreme. Why not just get a few house plants to re-oxygenate the air.