pH STILL low.....ughhhhh


My tank has been set up for about 4 days now and my pH still won't rise above 7.8. I have added buffer but no effect.
I have some LR and base rock in there that I took out of my other tank. If I add my damsels, would a bio load increase the pH? Would that low of pH hurt my damsels?
Any other ideas?!? :help:


Active Member
If you are cycling your tank don't worry about pH level. Don't add any more buffer, just let the tank cycle.


I put in LR from my smaller tank that has already cycled. Will the new tank still cycle?
I was actually kinda hoping that it wouldn't, that way I could get everything moved over to the new tank and get the old one taken down.
Will the low pH hurt my livestock? I have 2 damsels, some hermits and a couple turbo snails.


Active Member
Rushing things tends to lead to problems.
Put the damsels in if you want and monitor the ammo, nitrite, nitrate levels.