pH too High??


New Member
Can your pH get too high? Mine reads 8.7+ on my test kit. :notsure: I don't know how to get it down and I think my corals are stressed. This is the only parameter that is out of whack.
Ca=450 PO4=0 Amm, Nitrite, Nitrate=0 Fe is low too but I don't know how important it is to have iron. Any suggestions?

bang guy

I don't see any way that your Calcium can be 450ppm with a PH of 8.7 unless your Alkalinity is nearly zero.
Have you tested Alkalinity?
Assuming your ALK is OK my instincs tell me that your PH meter needs to be recalibrated or you just had a bad test.
Get a second opinion with a new PH test kit before you do anything drastic.
If you're still uncomfortable, water changes can only help.