Boy, I sure wish that this BBS allowed the author of a post to edit it. Please excuse the multitude of grammer errors in my previous post. Teach me to type in a hurry
olsenjb - Yes, vinegar and baking soda foam when they are mixed. But, the pH altering affect of baking soda is actually pretty low when compared to other additives. I understand that it will actually lower the pH (an acidic affect). Washing soda and kalk will definately raise an aquarium's pH.
BTW - another thing to consider is if your water is fully oxygenated. If CO2 levels are too high your pH will be too low. That is why it is so critical to have good water movement at air-water interfaces. Skimmers also help.
Something that blew me away is that some people have raised their tank pH 0.2 by just opening the windows of their houses. What was happening is that in our wonderful, energy efficient, new homes, is that not enough air exchange takes place and the CO2 to O2 levels increase - thus also affecting our reefs.
But, I suspect that Buzz's problem stems from too little alkalinity.
Here is a great article on pH
Additionally, measuring pH with color charts is practically unusable. So is the most expensive pH meter if you don't calibrate it properly.
So - when it comes to pH, if you are on a budget, get some resonable quality Salifert, Hach, or Lamotte Alkalinity and Ca test kits and skip the pH. If you have a few bucks, pick up something like the Pinpoint meter and the one-use sealed packets of calbration fluid.