Phase II Change from CC to Sand


I'm done with phase II of the big change. I finally got rid of that awful undergravel filter. Next I'm adding 50lbs of rock. It's "cooking" right now. Pics of everthing below



Active Member
Is that just a regular book shelf you have your tank on? Be careful that it doesn't bow and dump your tank on the floor.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Is that just a regular book shelf you have your tank on? Be careful that it doesn't bow and dump your tank on the floor.
I had my 55gal on my "trashy/broken" dresser for the whole time I had my 55gal. I wouldn't worry about the stand he has.


It's a bookshelf that's about 25 feet long. It's set up in a classroom. The angle in the picture makes it look bowed but it's not.