Philosophical question: is it mean to feed some fish every day but not all?



This is probably a stupid question... actually it feels stupid as I write it. But I don't want to feed my shark everyday because he's growing too fast. On the other hand, my stingray and tangs need to eat everyday. I just feel bad when the food is in the water watching my shark search for food. He's always hungry.
Again, if there is a stupid question award, this would probably win it.


Originally Posted by jr2857
what's the question? :notsure:
read the title


Active Member
i don't know cause some fish eat every few days like your shark while your tang eats algae all day in the wild. remove the shark while the others are eating and feed the shark every other day. it's just a guess i have no idea how to handle your problem.


Staff member
If he is hungry, and he is not fed, then he will find food on his own. Get the picture?


Originally Posted by Beth
If he is hungry, and he is not fed, then he will find food on his own. Get the picture?
I don't think there's anything else in my tank that he could eat. I'm just thinking about cutting back to every other day for now. For some reason, it bothers me to withhold food from him because I like to see my fish fat and happy.

michelle l

I'm the same way. That's probably why my Cortez Angel looks more like a puffer.
Sharks don't eat every day in the wild, do they? If not, then you're not really doing anything that it wouldn't experience in it's natural environment.


Active Member
I'm with Michelle L...IMO fish in the wild don't just get fed, they have to hunt or search for it... if it makes you feel bad or guilty then just feed em, or with hold and FA Get A Bout It...


Active Member
Jcrim, I really wouldn't worry, as long as you DO feed your shark. If your shark is hungry he/she will probably snack on your hermits or snails.
And like what raround said. Fish hunt for food they dont eat everyday....heck eels can go up for months if they get a great big meal.


Originally Posted by Cartman101
Jcrim, I really wouldn't worry, as long as you DO feed your shark. If your shark is hungry he/she will probably snack on your hermits or snails.

I don't have hermits and snails. Maybe I should get some but I know they wouldn't last long.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
I don't have hermits and snails. Maybe I should get some but I know they wouldn't last long.
Either your ray will get to them first or the shark. I would go buy a few and see what happens.


Maybe I will... I may buy a cleaner shrimp today too. I have a feeling this is going to be just a live meal for my guys.


Active Member
I feed my carnivores tank only once or twice a week...Maybe two/three times a week I toss in some flakes for the omnivores...
Much less than the "norm" posted on the boards...Look at the pics of my fish...they are all fat and happy, and the tank does NOT suffer from algae problems...
Reef "fish" get fed maybe 3-4 times a month....


Originally Posted by Squidd
I feed my carnivores tank only once or twice a week...Maybe two/three times a week I toss in some flakes for the omnivores...
Much less than the "norm" posted on the boards...Look at the pics of my fish...they are all fat and happy, and the tank does NOT suffer from algae problems...
Reef "fish" get fed maybe 3-4 times a month....


Active Member
I feed my eel once a week, squid and a silver side. I feed my trigger and damsel 2 times a week, and my lion one meal week (trying to starve him so he can take frozens). I wouldn't worry Jcrim you had your shark for this long and I'm sure you are doing everything right.


Active Member
no, because in the wild, there is no guarantee of food.
remember, we are the only species that knows when our next meal will be.