Phishing - How good are you at not being scammed


Active Member
I'm sure we have all received the phishing emails before. In case you do not know what I'm talking about, it is an email that asks you to go to a link and provide personal information about yourself. You would be shocked to know how many people get taken by these scams.
How good are you at knowing the real thing? Go take this survey and post your score.


7 of 10. 1 I HAD right, but when I saw another similar one, I went back and changed my answer...DOH!


Active Member
Why are there so many Paypal email link questions on there?
This is not a joke....a gal I know, does a lot of business on ----.
She got an a very official (looked just like something from ----) email asking to log in. Well, before she knew it everything of hers at ---- was switched over to a theif in Canada. Took awhile to clear up. :nope:
Now, I remember getting the same email, but forwarding it to ---- and they were greatful for the info. The also sent a reminder that they would never ask in an email for your password.


New Member
Oh the horror of my score, could of been scammed twice.:mad:
You got 8 out of 10 correct, or 80 %


Active Member
Ha, I clicked 1 as a good one and got it wrong. 6 out of 10.:nope:
Thats OK, I always think they are scams and never click on them. If they have a phone #, i'd call that first.


10 out of 10... Any email that asks you to log in using a link in the email should raise the red flag... Anything that asks for personal information should also raise the flag...
I received an email theother day that appeared to be from my bank... They wanted ***, bank account number, mother's maiden name, etc....

salty cheese

Active Member
8 out of 10 but one I called fraud was real (Microsoft:D )
It's all academic anyways, I never get those kinds of emails and if I did I would ignore them.


I used to run phishing programs on AOL to get SN and passwords to use when i didnt want to pay for service...i do regret doing that even though i had never been caught.
those were the days...good ole aol 2.5 and 3.0


You got 10 out of 10 correct, or 100 %
I have definately had so many people try to scam me through ---- it's rediculous. Yesterday I had a guy try to falsely do an Escrow Service on a Bracelet from Belgium. I got an email from the company that looked real and said the payment was there, but the website said it wasn't. THere is so much Fraud on ----. What did Bush say? "Fool me once shame on you" Fool me twice". Shame on me?