phosban reactor?'s


Active Member
Got one of those 150g phosban reactors and filled it with phosban; plumbed it up, but not sure how to set the flow. I understand that only the top layer is to be turned, but how much? Right now I set it where only 1/4"seems to be moving under the top layer and the top looks like a volcano bubbling. What would you consider to much flow? Any help would be appreciated.


my runs very well with 100gph going through it........seems to be perfect...but i could bring it down to 80gph


I have a rio 50 pump working with mine but reducing the water flow with a small valve at the output of the pump. The phosban should be moving but not to look like a volcano in erruption. HTH


Active Member
Hey Brad,
Well I used an old powerhead that I had lying around, still works and I think it's rated for 250GPH. I have the valve close to closed, but I'm not sure what kind of action I'm suppose to see with the media. I've read that it could clump if not enough flow. Does your media tumble alot or barely? Are you suppose to see the media moving through out or just at the very, VERY top layer?


Thats all it needs to do. Give it a few weeks and it will take care of your phosphates. Thats the same way mine is working too. I went from .1 to zero in two weeks. :happyfish