phosban reactor with cheato


Anyone else ever notice a dieoff of cheato after adding phosban reactor? I just added reactor on wed. and noticed yesterday some of the cheato is dying.


Active Member
Maybe you're stealing it's phosphates? :) I don't maintain any macroalgae, but I can at least bump this thread up for you.


New Member
Curious, with out the reactor and just the cheato, has it taken care of removing algae in the tank?


Active Member
0 nitrates and 0 phosphates :) I maintain a lot of coralline algae which seems to be sufficient. I also do not stock a lot of fish, so there's just not much for algae to eat. I clean off the front glass about once a week and leave the back glass to my two tangs. I also have a couple dozen snails which are helpful. My cleanup crew is light, though, and I need to improve it, only a few crabs right now and a gray/black cucumber.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Farslayer
Maybe you're stealing it's phosphates?

if somebody else was eating your food, you'd starve too!


I understand that it was depleting its food, but I have seen several setups using both. I guess I don't have enough phosphates for both. I trimmed the cheato to a small ball and will see how it does.


Active Member
You may just not be producing much in way of usable nitrates for your macroalgae. This isn't bad, it means you have clean water. What are your usual nitrate/phosphate readings?


Originally Posted by Farslayer
You may just not be producing much in way of usable nitrates for your macroalgae. This isn't bad, it means you have clean water. What are your usual nitrate/phosphate readings?
I was hoping to get everyhting as low as possible before I add my new lights. Hoping this will make any algea booms less.


Active Member
it will make a huge differnce.
i am just finally winning a war vs hair algae that started in june '05
almost 2 years later, i finally got a grip on it.


Active Member
Great shape for your water. You can reduce nitrates by adding lots of LR with good coralline growth (it's how I did it). Phosphates can be introduced in some frozen foods, such as brine shrimp, because it is used as a preservative (I believe). You can run a reactor or just place phos gard in a high flow area such as in a canister (my approach). I maintain 0 phosphates and 0 nitrates, my algae comes from my 4x250W MH lights :)