Thanks, Salty and ReefNut,
I've been reading the Steveweast threads, thus my interest in removing phosphate.
Thank you for emailing Seachem, but the response from them does not make a ton of sense. "the microgram range" means nothing. Concentration is the necessary information. Or how much Phosguard releases how much aluminum in the microgram range? Does pH have an effect on solubility? It does for most things.
Ah well, it seems they don't know. They are waiting for the customer to test their product. I'm afraid that's me...
Without a fluidized bed reactor, the iron type is supposed to clump together and become ineffective, so I am hesitant to use that in my filter, since it is not fluidized, and I am thinking the right filter would be overkill for my tank.
Thanks for the help, though.
Has anyone out there tried this stuff?