phoshate question


Staff member
Try finging out why you have phosphate to begin with. Is your phosphate a real problem?

nm reef

Active Member
I agree that locating and elimintaing the source would be a good idea. But to answer the question you could use some type of Phosphate sponge for short periods( I use Kents Phosphate sponge for a few days each month) you could insure feeding is kept to a minimum and not continually adding phosphates into the system...a daily kalk drip is reported to help phosphates precipitate out of the water column where it is easily skimmed away.Like Beth serious is your phosphate problem and what trouble is it causing?:cool:

reef fool

Active Member
Try a product called ROWAphos. Works great with no ill effects, unlike some other products out there.


Active Member
How do you lower the phoshate?
Test for it.
Test everything to determine where it's coming from.
Use phosphate free freshwater for saltwater mixing and evaporated top offs. RO or RO/DI water is great.
Don't overfeed.
Don't use cheap activate carbon
Drip kalkwasser
Use phosphate sponge media/pads - change often.
Utilize a macro algae refugium and harvest/remove algae.
Siphon detritus from the sump.
Test for it often to see if the changes you've put into place are reducing it.