Phospahtes in Salt Mixtures(kinda long)


I was reading on another board..r e e f c e n t r a l...
They had a discussion come up posted by Reef Mainiac and there were some replies to it.
is a site where tests were done on the make ups of many types of sea salt. It also says that IO has the least Phosphates out of all.
Mr. Salty-your post with the pictures they say was not htat reliable due to that u had phos in your water already and that the type of test you used were found ineffective or something...
is the thread...
here is a cut off of a post -
"I believe you are referring to the Christmas Eve post by Mr. Salty on where he posted that found phosphates in his home test of a sample of saltwater mixed with Instant Ocean, right? In that same thread, you may remember, others posted that their home tests showed no phosphates in their saltwater mixed with Instant Ocean.
Here are the results of a very scientific, controlled test done by Dr. Craig Bingman. You will notice that Instant Ocean tested the lowest in phosphate.
So either Instant Ocean salt mix is changed since Dr. Bingman's testing or Mr. Salty's test was unreliable."
Just thought u guys might want to know becuase I know there was a discussion about it before. This may clear some things up as to salt content.



Staff member
Well, hopefully there are some marine scientists on this board that can put all that info into layman's terms....all I know is that my test of IO resulted in .5 phosphates, using distilled water that tested zero. The water used with Red Sea, tested zero. When I use IO, I get significantly more algae blooms, which leads this layperson to think that my IO reading was close to accurate.
Salty and I used the same "dry-tab" test kit. Perhaps someone else out there using a different test kit can add to this discussion regarding IO. Personally, I'm going to trying out new salts from now on that give zero readings on nitrates and phosphates.
[This message has been edited by beth (edited 01-02-2001).]


Hi Beth! I'm not trying to change anyones mind on what salts they use. Im just trying to add some insight on the discussion.

I personally use IO and I just happen to have a red slime problem...hmmmmm...



Staff member
What a coincidence, Fubr, I used IO for my last 2 water changes, and guess what?? RED slime all over where I never had it before. Now what does that say 2U?
And I know you were just trying to add info, and it is GREAT that you went thru the trouble to research that topic and posting it for us. The truth is, the people on this BB are the most deadicated hobbyists I've seen anywhere on the interent, and I have looked around. The quality of posts and helpfulness to each other is unrivaled, and whether we agree or disagree, we all respect each others efforts, opinions and deadication to this hobby, and support one another's quest for excellence as marine hobbyists.
I just got home from work when I read your post, and since it was me originated the phosphate IO debate, I was a bit overwhelmed by the "scienceness" of that post. And, I was also hoping that some marine science gurus might actually be able to deciphere it for this laywoman
[or perhaps I'll just give myself another go at it when I'm not so frazzled from work]

[This message has been edited by beth (edited 01-02-2001).]


Heheheh, you have red slime too? It is quite nasty isn't it.

Do we have any science guru's? lol I couldn't deciphere much of it either.Anyonw have a dictionary?They have some lovely Charts though. hehe
I know, I love you guys, ::sniff,sniff:: so helpful and inciteful



Active Member
Whatever salt you decide to use The majority of algae problems come from a combination of things. There are a ton of factors that can lead to a algae outbreak here are some.
1. wrong lighting or old bulbs
2. high nitrates
3. high bio load
4. high phosphates
5. low calcium levels
6. over feeding
7. poor circulation


Staff member
Well, I just re-reviewed Fubr's links on the salt tests, and it definately indicates that IO has less phosphates. I don't really understand these results, unless the guys running these tests work for IO! LOL
In any case, since having to use the IO, I have a disgusting red algae outbreak that is out of control.
Thus, I just ordered 150gals of Red Sea [which is not easy to find anymore] as this sea salt tested zero P04 for me, and my algae bloom caused by initially using IO was drammatically reduced after using only 25gals of Red Sea. I will retest the RSea once I get it and report the long term effect here [even if I'm wrong about it--I'll still post results