Phosphate Control


I have a 40 gallon uniquarium, bio balls and venturi skimmer in back w/about 40 lbs. lr. The bioload is a clown, coral beauty, and a jawfish. I bought the tank used, so I assume the lights are atleast a couple years old. I currently have ridiculous hair algae growth and have used numerous creatures and water changes to try and fix the problem (yes I use RO water) but the growth is still bad. My nitrates are low, but my phosphates are at .4ppm and over the last year I havent been able to keep it any lower...what is the best investment I can make to reduce this algae growth. New Lights? Phosban Reactor? Reduce the amount of Bio Balls? I dont the financial luxury of purchasing all the bells and whistles to fix this problem and need to make a wise choice to eliminate the algae and allow corraline growth. I have tried purple up, but the hair algae overtakes the corralline. Thanks


yes hair alge is frustrating.. ive had luck doing this..
Kents Phosphate Sponge.. i cut apart an old net and put some in, rubberbanded the top and threw it in my canister filter for 2 days.. it cleared up my water and seemed to have stunned the growth of the alge for the time being...
i also baught a siphon and siphoned it all from the bottom of my tank the best i could do.. and did 4 weekly 50% water changes
thats all i know hope i could help


I dont have a canister filter, but i think I could still position a filter bag of phosphate absorbant in the filtration. does anyone have any experience with the phosban reactor?