Phosphate free RO


I have never been able to get my Phosphates bellow .1 and I have used the most advance phosphate sponges. I started looking for the source of the phosphates and tested my RO water sources. What I found was very surprising. I use my own home RO system for make up water and it testes 0 for phosphates. I have been using Water & Ice RO water for 20% water changes but when I tested their water last week it tested to .1 for phosphates. If you can not get good RO water from Water & Ice were can you? I can not produce enough RO water at home to do a 20% water change. Where do you all get your RO water? Should I change to distilled water?


I am having a phosphate problem too so I tested the distilled water from wal mart and it tested 0. Just my 2c. :jumping:


also check that water for ammonia, we got some distilled water from walmart that tested .5 on ammonia, but 0 for phosphates. Just .02


Active Member
I just used 15 gals of Walmart Distilled water this past weekend. Tested 0 on phosphates, ammonia, nitrates and nitrites.