Phosphate levels


Since the hair algae was so bad I had to do something and it was probably wrong. I put my fish (only 4) and snails and etc. in a spare 15 gal tank. I replaced all the CC with Live sand my LFS supplied from one of their tanks for a $1.00 a lb. (gret deal I thought). Then I literally scrubed evry inch of my live rock. The hair algae was so bad that there was very little or no coraline on anything. I did this in the tank under the water. Set the tank back up and waited a week before putting the livestock back in. The parameters were next to nill during this week (amonia, nitrites, nitrates and phosphates) now that the fish are in, what should my phosphates be? After 3 days it's at about 0.5. I only feed every-other day.


nope--i'm using RO from wall mart
I live in the middle of nowhere. It's 55 miles to the nearest RO source. I had a unit on my house but the sand from my well just tears things up terrible. I do have a sand filter on there but some does get by. I'm not quite at the ends of the Earth, but you can see it from here. I ordered a jar of Phosfate Sponge off the net--I sure hope that helps. I'm at a loss as to what to do.


Thanks ReefNut for your help!!!
well I tested the RO I get from Wal-Mart and phosphates are 0.
so now what? What should my levels be? On the card that came with the test I have these numbers 0ppm 0.5 1.0 2.0. etc.
I got the phosphate sponge today. Rather than tear apart my HOB filter I got a little HOB and put the crystals in a mesh bag and put it in. I will test it later today. The few fish that I have seem fine and I have never lost a fish. I did trade my Zebra tang back to the LPS because it was geting WAY to big and bullying everything. However,
I'm REALLY begining to wonder if this is all worth it.
I did find an LFS I trust and that isn't out for what he can get out my wallet. He did sell me LS for a buck a lb. regular price is $2. and his advice seems to be sound. (like I would know).
Problem is that the LFS is 120 miles away
I guess I'm just venting.


New Member
I had phosphate in my water and removed it with a bag of Phosban bought on the net (petsolutions). After one week in my cannister filter it cleared up. I suspect over feeding if you water source is OK.:thinking: