Phosphate question


I read on another site "Don't let phosphates turn your corals brown and cause ugly algae growth."
I oviously have this problem lol
how do i reduce my phosphate level ??


Active Member
What are your phosphate levels?
there are basically three ways, phosphate reactor, water changes, macro-algae.
Reactor- Largest initial cost, I have heard they are effective though.
Water Changes- Effective, but they are temporary, lots of work, and too many can be stressful to your tank inhabitants.
macro-algae- my personal favorite. They have their own set of issues though...

yeffre kix

Originally Posted by hawk fish
sry but too many water changes can cause phosephates to rise!!! ohhh crap!!!
Tap water will have high phosphates in it as well as undesireable metals and chemicals for sterilizing. RO/DI is the way to go for water changes.


Active Member
Phosphates can be injected to the system at many points....alot of those points were mention such as source water. Another area for phosphates to be introduced is through your food source which probably alot of us including myself overlook.....Frozen food is a big culprit in the hobby......
Water changes will help, along with increased water movement to suspend junk in the water column so it can be efficiently removed, probably the cheapest way is through exportation with macros, and you can supplement that with running a Phosban reactor......I run macros and supplement with the Phosban reactor, but choose to run RowaPhos in the reactor.....Alittle more expensive, and can have side affects if to much is used as well......