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its a 150 gallon i have 6 fish currently but the tang and foxface and one of the clowns are pretty big.
they seen to eat it all up pretty quick
i tested the water testerdeay
the phoshphate are down from 2.0 to 1.0
so the remover is working the ammonia is at 0
I had two tangs, four anthias (fed at least twice a day) and a midas blenny (6ft 100 gallon) and ONE cube of mysis lasted me a week. 3 cubes daily is a huge amount of food. the tang and foxface should be sustaining primarily off of algae sheets (I know they are probably the greediest eaters even with meaty food). unless you have some sort of water column zooplankton feeders like anthias the clown and probably the other fish dont even need to be fed but every other day. certaintly dont need 3 cubes worth of food. the tang and foxface should be excluded from nutritional needs in regards to cube feeding other than making up for what they take away from the fish that actually need the cubed food). 3"x3" algae sheet daily per tang/foxface is plenty to sustain them and everything else is just bonus food.