Phosphate ??


I am a bit skeptical on putting chemicals in my tank but I have a hi amount of phosphates in my water and it is creating hair algae and cyanobacteria. I was recomended a product called ALGONE.
Has anyone here used this product before?
Does it work without hurting anything else in the tank?
Any suggestions??? :help:


Hello, Sergeant. Honestly, I wouldn't use that. The biggest problem with a lot of those chemicals is that they often cause more problems than they're worth, all for just a short term solution. How old is your tank? I know that you stated that your phosphates are high. How high was the reading. I have never actually used these before, but I have read in a book where the author swears by the phosphate pads helping to reduce phosphate relatively quickly. But, for long term success, you are gonna have to try and find out exactly why they got so high, and prevent that from happening. Is it going down with water changes, or are the readings staying the same?


I have been using Algone in my tank now for 7 months. One packet inside the Magnum350 every two weeks. All it does is absorb excess nutrients.
Prior to using Algone I had some terrible problems Since using it, the water is clear, the numbers are all good and nothing has died in my tank. What more can you ask?
I am in the process of setting up a 20 gallon refugium, which hopefully will accomplish the same thing as the packet of Algone every two weeks.......but in the meantime, I will continute to use it. It is everything their website says it is...


The tank was set up over two years ago SWFO with dim lights.. I moved this past March, I had drianed the tank for about a month but I always keeping about two inches of water above the cc/sand bed. By the end of July I filled it up again but this time I want to do a reef. Ive put in about 40 lbs of base rock, about 20lbs of live rock and about 1 1/2 inch of sand over the existing bed. Also added a retro kit of two 96 watts Power quads and two 13 watts PC for dawn and dusk effect. In the tank currently I have:
1 percula clown
1 green chromis
1 scooter blenny
2 peppermint shrimp
1 turbo mexican snail
10 to 15 blue legged hermit crabbs
1 small frag of xenia (growing fast)
2 small frags of green star polyps
other type of small polyp spreading like grass(hitchiker)
1 sand sifting star
1 bubble tip anemone
lots of green algae and cyanobacteria growing everywhere.


I had this problem and I added a phosband 150 phosphate reactor with Rawaphos and now it's ok.
when I 1st add the reactor with the phosband untill my Phos read 0 and then i switched over to rawaphos and that was it. now I will chnage the rawaphos every 3 months or so.
the reason I switched from phosband to rawaphos is that I have heard that phosband can leach everthing back into you tank.


New Member
I had a problem with the phosphates reading being over 2.0 ppm. I got the new product by Carib Sea called phos buster and it knocked it out in 2 treatments. The level now is 0.0 for a week now.
Good luck