Phosphates and protein skimmer


All right, we got our water tested at the LFS. My tanks aren't done cycling yet. They said that the phosphates were off the scale on both of them. There's a ten and 65 gallon, both with Penguin filters and live rock. The LFS said the only way to reduce phosphates was to get a protein skimmer. Is that correct? Just wondering if there was another way to do it, as I don't exactly have the money for a skimmer. Also, she recommended something called a "Skilter". I guess it's a skimmer and filter in one. Thanks for any input!


Active Member
A skimmer would help, but not get rid of the problem. If your low on cash your best bet is water changes or Phosguard or another type of phosphate sponge. These would help.


Active Member
I'm with golfish on this one also.. A skimmer removes disolved organics not chemicals.
p.s. Stay away from the skilter filters. You'll just be wasting your money.. Save up and get a nice skimmer for the tank.


Yes, I just used water from the hose. I used those dechlorinating drops. I just figured the rest of the stuff would filter out. Should I redo the water with RO, or can I just gradually do water changes with RO saltwater? Ha, won't use the hose next time. Thanks for the great info! The fish store is supposed to be the best, but I get mixed opinions from everyone who works there. Also, they're not the nicest! I just discovered a very nice store. They seemed to be very knowledgable. Thanks again! :)


I was also wondering about the phosphate reducer thing. They didn't mention anything about that, but I was thinking if we have all of this stuff to raise our PH and everything, shouldn't there be something to reduce the phosphates? I'll look for some next time I go shopping! ;)


Active Member
Just do water changes with RO water and your phosphates will come down. Don't worry about them to much. Besides, phosphates are hard to test accuratly.