

New Member
Ive had a hair algae problem now for 7 months and followed every piece of advice given,but yet the algea still grows out of control. Today I got my ph4 test and started testing. First the tank,the results did show I had high ph4 levels at .5ppm. I just want to know where are the phosphates coming from if the salt,all the kent additives and ro water dont have any testable phosphates. The only other thing that gets added to the tank are frozen brine shrimp? This algae is relentless.


New Member
I have the kent max 50 ro unit. Been using it now for 5 months now which I thought would have been enough time to eliminate my problem. I dont have a refuge though. I assume a 180g tank would not need the extra capacity of bio filtration with all the other water parameters being adiquitely met. What size do you think I would need


Active Member
I have a low reading of phosphates (with no effects, now) and I have seen/read here that frozen foods have the potential to add this. I haven't yet done a test on the water after thawing the food, but it could be from that. Also, maybe your water unit membranes may have exhuasted. Check both and see if anything shows up. HTH


New Member
Fish- pair marroon clowns,pair devil damsels,kole tang, blueheaded wrass,barred bullit goby,citron goby,scissortail goby,lawnmower blenny,pair blue spot killies,3 stripe damsel,constructon goby,flame angel,purple firefish,barred goby,and a pair of pj cardinals.
crew-40 turbos(50) more coming sat,60 ass.hermits 2 brittle stars,orange linka, 1 sally ,5 emerald,10 sand,1 peppermint,1 blood red,and 1 skunk


New Member
I do thaw the brine in a cupof tank water then release in the wave maker to release in the tank so every one gets some. I heard the juices from the brine were good for the corals . Is that false


Active Member
Phosphates are in many water supplies. The RO unit should have taken care of that.
Phosphates are also present in foods. They are in particularly high concentrations in DNA & RNA. If you are feeding more phosphates than is being used for new growth, (such as by plants in a refugium), phosphates will build up (unless you remove them with products like phosguard or with water changes).