photo diary of getting started


i just received today the first part of what looks like a long list of equipment i will be needing, i will take pics along the way and i can really use all the help i can get. i have been wanting a tank for a while and finally just took the plunge. here are pics of the tank and stand, its predrilled and came with overflow built in, also came with lots of plumbing and a make your own sump/refuge kit. i plan on putting lots of coral in it and want some fish too. my fish list so far is, a black and white percula clown, a percula clown (or 2), a mandarin dragonet -green (which i hear i might need to establish tank some first) an achilles tang, i have a 4 year old so of course i need a blue hippo tang, and finally a clown tang. i'm sure i will come up with more by the time its fish ready. i think the most difficult one might be the clown tang. im pretty sure they are all reef safe. any other additions (other than a cleaning crew) ya think might be cool? as time passes i hope to put up more pics to track the progress. so far its early and only have pics of the tank and stand.



i forgot to say it was a 118g, and with it being a corner, i am a little restricted on space in the stand. i think i can fit a refuge in there that can be 30" by 14". is that big enough?


i dont have anything yet but whats in that pic
i am wondering if i need something in addition to the refugium. i will have a skimmer in there i'm sure. but do youthink i need another type of filter along with a refuge? and yes the avatar is a pic of me in my boat taken from a heli that was flying by.


Active Member
That has to be the best looking empty tank and stand I HAVE EVER SEEN. That fuge size should be ok. Are you going fowlr or reef? Can't wait to see the coming pics. as it all comes together. Oh, and welcome!!
I'm Barry


Active Member
Ok, just read the first post again and see that you will be heavily stocking it. A good skimmer will be necessary for sure. Try not to mix clowns as they will not get along. Tangs are not going to be comfortable in there for long as they will require minimum of 6ft swimming room.


thanks barry! i am pumped about it, i cant believe it was only $1350. found it online from some place out of new york. massive inventory, it was here in 3 days! they make a pretty cool seamless bowfront (glass) but my only spot my wife wouldnt freak about, is a corner in my computer room. so corner it was. the coral connection out of sarasota fl is coming over tomorrow night to check out the stand dimensions so they know what they can build to put in there. i need to know what kind of filtration i want them to do. but they have been pretty right on with info they have been giving me (at least what they are telling me - i am reading the same things here). they were one of the only lfs i went to (about 6 or 7) that said i should use a refugium if i am doing corals. so they are going to help me set it up and equip it. i cant wait!!!


rubble rock or bio balls? not sure what rubble rock is. i do plan on having lots of live sand and live rock, at least 120lbs of lr. should i need bio balls with tht much lr and a refuge? i am planning on doing lots of corals too.


Very nice boat, you said you can fit a refuge in under your stand but why wouldnt you build it into your sump? or is that what you mean?


whoa....ok ya'll lost me....
i think i know what you mean though. yes i am planning on putting the refuge in the sump, i just hope i can fit everything i need under there. i think i can, i checked into it before i bought corner and most seem to believe 30x16x26h should fit enough in there to keep me going good. i am being told that with a crap load of live rock things should be better, so i plan to put lots in there. i have been trying to come up with some cool aquascapes for a corner.