Photo editing...

nm reef

Active Member
I use a Canon G5 (try to anyway) and recently purchased Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0. I have been experimenting/practicing with the new editing software and would like to hear what y'all think of the results. The pics below are edits of the same picture...each was cropped to its current size and resized to fit limitations here. The first was manually adjusted...

nm reef

Active Member
The second pic was cropped & resized to fit here...and I used the smart fix feature only. I relise that they are a bit out of foucs...and more work needs to be done in regard to shooting the pic...but I'd like to hear comments on the appearence of each and comparsions of them. Which looks better?

nm reef

Active Member
Personally I prefer the second version. It looks much closer to what my eye sees sitting in my aquarium. But I'd appreciate feedback positive and/or negative on each. I'd also be open to work flow advice using Photoshop Elements if you have any experience with the software. :thinking:
Thanks in advance....


Active Member
The coloring on the second seems to be much more vibrant...the first has a blurry appearance...Nice Pics NMR!


It seems like you lose some of the blue in the second pic. But it looks more crisp. and the polyps on the side look brighter in the 2nd. I would go with the 2nd. Nice Pic!:happy:


Not sure if Elements has the saturation options but play around with those. A few other tools that are great are the shadow and contrast. Using these 3 will really bring out the details and coloring. If you camera has a flash holder to attach an external flash it would help eliminate the shadow of the coral on the LR. If it does bounce the flash off of the ceiling and it will give it a better look to the photos.


Here is a little adjustment from Photoshop CS
Bumped Saturation of Blue: +20
Bumped Saturation of Red: +20
Reduced Shadows to 0
Adjusted curves as following:
1st point
2nd point
Input: 195
Output: 210


Here is another after running a vibrant glow action
sorry for adding so many photos but i am having fun playing