Photo period for refugium


I know that some run theirs 24/7 and others opposite the tank lights.
Looking for some input based on peoples personal experiences.

mr . salty

Active Member
By leaving them on 24/7 you avoid the possability of the algae going sexual and spreading spores into the main tank.
24/7 also promotes more/faster growth.

yosemite sam

Active Member
I at first had mine on same as the tank lights, then I switched to 24/7 for the holidays, and when I came back, almost all of it was gone, I guess it went sexual, so I'm not sure what is best....
I think I posted on another board too??? But cannot find it this am?? the board spooks??
Anyway, I was wondering just how and Why we keep Refgiums (sp)? Ok, I think it has something to do with growing algea and tang food and stuff?? I really am NOT tank illiterate but when it comes to simple answers, I ususally go THAT way!! I would love a "quick" how and why of the Refgium...
Thanking you kindly, Kim