photos finally


just thought id post some photos now that my tank is stable(as of now lol) they arent that great becuz i had to take them with the webcan on my laptop


thanx it took me a while to get to this point i wuz supposed to get a picasso trigger today but the lfs sold him so i have to wait for another


Active Member
if you put a trigger in there, youll prabably have some issues with it and you lion and crab.


This is only a 70 or so gallon tank if I remember correctly ... if so, do not add any other large fish and be prepared for aggression issues....


um i dont think its a RBTA im getting rid of the crab he eats EVERYTHING biggest mistake of putting him in and im hiping that sine the lion wuz in there first the trigger wont bother him but ill hav to watch out i might eventually upgrade to a 180 but im not planning on it soon so i will prob bring the fish back wen they get too big of sell them(if anyone wants them) considering almost all of my fish get over a foot long but thanx for all the imput and if anyone in the future is interested in any of my fish just tell me cuz they will prob b too big for my tank unfortunately


Originally Posted by antwon http:///forum/thread/381034/photos-finally#post_3317580
um i dont think its a RBTA im getting rid of the crab he eats EVERYTHING biggest mistake of putting him in and im hiping that sine the lion wuz in there first the trigger wont bother him
but ill hav to watch out i might eventually upgrade to a 180 but im not planning on it soon so i will prob bring the fish back wen they get too big of sell them(if anyone wants them) considering almost all of my fish get over a foot long but thanx for all the imput and if anyone in the future is interested in any of my fish just tell me cuz they will prob b too big for my tank unfortunately
not going to happen
IF you're intent on keeping creatures in this tank that really need double the room you're giving them, do not add more fish and overstock the tank.


Active Member
I just noticed: I'm not sure what species of lion you have, but it sure isn't a dwarf. Lions are incredibly fast growing fish and that clown will be lunch for him shortly. I'd really do some serious research before you even think of adding any more fish. BTW, is that a sailfin tang in the 1st pic?


The lion is either P. volitans or P.russelii (I can't tell unless I see the caudal/anal fins), but it's likely a volitans. We're talking a definite 12" fish if it is a volitans.


thanx for all the comments. for all the questions on the species i have: sailfin tang, tassled filefish, koran angelfish, picasso triggerfish, volitan lionfish, maroon clown. they seem to be doing great( knock on wood), but i will hav to c in the future how everything works out