Photos of my reef tank.


NNNOOOOOO!!!! No tang should be in a 55 gallon! Plus, you have to be REALLY careful buying from *****-they don't always know what they're doing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MyThrenody
Very nice! My local ***** has a Sailfin,Do you think it would do fine in a 55gal? :thinking:
What devildog said is very true, tangs shouldn't be confine in such a small tank as a 55. It should at the least be a 75 or more. Sailfin especially shouldn't be in anything less than a 125. I want to repeat what I said in an earlier post, I have a 150 gallon fowlr tank running side by side with the 46, the 46 is only a temporary home for the 2 baby tangs.


Active Member
Just want to clarify my opinion about a tang in a 75. There are only one or two species of tangs that may be able to live in a 75 individually. The kole tang(aka yellow eye tang) or maybe the yellow tang. JMO


Originally Posted by DevilDog01
NNNOOOOOO!!!! No tang should be in a 55 gallon! Plus, you have to be REALLY careful buying from *****-they don't always know what they're doing.
Ya,i didn't think i could. My ***** seems to be doing a good job of taking care of their marine fish


Originally Posted by MyThrenody
Ya,i didn't think i could. My ***** seems to be doing a good job of taking care of their marine fish
lucky duck, mine put a GREEN MORAY in with a royal gramma. Plus. this green moray was about 2 feet long in a 20 long. Nice huh? When I asked the manager why the green was in with the basslet she said it was there to keep it company. Idiots.
:hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :joy:


Active Member
very nice tank. what is that cup look a like coral in the 6th picture at the top. i have one of those for about 2 months and still have trouble figuring out what it is. well its opened up nicely and almost killed my hammer and pulsing xenia


Active Member
Originally Posted by feixjai
very nice tank. what is that cup look a like coral in the 6th picture at the top. i have one of those for about 2 months and still have trouble figuring out what it is. well its opened up nicely and almost killed my hammer and pulsing xenia
It's a cup coral aka pagoda coral.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sweetdawn
your corals are so distracting that i just now noticed you have a major bubble algea thing going on
You are absolutely right, I do have a bubble algae problem. At the beginning, I thought it was kinda cool cause it looks like a marble or something. But now there's too much of it. I tried to get rid of as much as I can by hand but I've given up. Now I leave it alone if it's not really bad and or taking up spaces of my corals. Any suggestions?


Active Member
emerald crabs are suppossed to eat them. i get one sometimes i just suction it out when i do a water change.


Active Member
for the bubble aglae you should get an emarld. mines started going after them right when i dropped him in.


oh my god Harlequinnut this tank is sick :cheer: (cheerleader 4 u) i really love waht tanks looks liek wehn all of the coarl has grown so close togather that u cant even see the rocks anymore. really one of the best systems i have seen simply stunning.... ***) ***) ***) ***) ***)


Originally Posted by sweetdawn
emerald crabs are suppossed to eat them. i get one sometimes i just suction it out when i do a water change.
But you do have to be VERY CAREFUL if you siphon them out, because if it for some reason doesn't get sucked up and it just bursts-it sends spores throughout the tank, and makes it an even BIGGER problem!