Photos of reef tank


Finally got around to putting up some photos of our 'reef to be' tank. We have it all set, just carefully deciding what corals to add. Will take all suggestions! Thanks for looking.
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nm reef

Active Member
Very nice looking system! My wife wants a bow front but so far I've avoided getting one... :D
I'm holding out for a 220 reef ready!!
With your current lighting I'd suggest starting with easier corals...mushrooms/leathers/xenia....possibly a hammer/frogspawn. Insure your system is stable(ammonia/nitrite at zero & minimum nitrates). Also you may want to check your calcium/alkalinity levels prior to developing corals. great start to a reef system...keep us posted as it progresses.


Active Member
Yep, looks like the beginning of a reef, ;)
I would also look into your filtration system before adding anything. It looks to me as if you have a undergravel filter? If so get back with us.
I see you already have some sand? I would add some LR ontop and then add some more sand to get about a 4" dsb and go from there.
Keep us up to date, :)


I'm all set with the filtration here, I'm trying something different I always wanted to do. The system is running an ecosystem 60, and an aquaclear 300 (with just foam). With the ecosystem, a DSB is NOT recommended, hence the small amount of sand. There is small grain sand with some larger argonite mixed in, total depth 3/4". I'll let you know how it goes, so far water parameters are perfect, although the nitrite number has a tendency to move around a little.


Active Member
Hi, when you are ready to add corals, I would start out with some shrooms. They are pretty easy, and you can get them in a ton of colors. Also a really nice coral is the burrowing tube anomne. We have two(peachy-orange and purple color), I want more they are so pretty. If you want to see a pic you can click on my link to webshots, I have picks of them on there. Good Luck and Happy Reefing! Lisa