phyto dose for a 10 gallon


I read that corals do well when dosed with phyto. How much and how often do I add Kent's phytoplex to a 10 gallon tank?

bang guy

Most coral benefit indirectly from Phyto... only a few benefit directly. Phyto feeds bugs. Bugs reproduce & feed coral. This doesn't often happen in a 10 gallon tank.


so Phyto or no Phyto? I have a feather duster in there right now, don't know if it will benefit that or not?
You'd be better suited to use live phytoplankton such as DT's. Kent's phytoplex is a good product, but whatever is not eaten will foul your water. Live phytoplankton will survive in your aquarium and will actually feed on the nutrient in your water and help to purify to a small degree. Every little bit helps, especially in a Nano:D