Pic Contest: Name these fish


New Member
I took these two pictures at a local aquarium. I have no idea what they are, but they are way cool. Maybe someone can provide some help. Sorry the one is not too clear.



1st is a commeners (spelling?) frog fish
2nd is a procupine puffer? maybe
what do i win. i know the first one is right just not sure on the second


The second one is definitly not a porcupine puffer. Look at the mouth and eyes. I have the name of it on the tip of my tongue.... sigh can't remember. anyway its a kind of frogfish. Very cool pics, you saw these at a public aquarium or a store?


New Member
You guys are awsome. The prize is.............feeling superior in SW knowledge!!! I saw it at a public aquarium. I think I really want one, now that I know the names I am going to do a little research and see what it takes to get one. If someone on here has either already in their tank, or knows anything about...let me know.
Thanks again.


Active Member
First picture sure looks like an Angler (frogfish). I have one in my tank. Be carefull, they eat small fish
