**PIC INTENSIVE** New Rock!! YAY!!!!!


Well a guy at work is closing out his tank so that he can move. I bought 440w of VHO from him a couple weeks ago, this time i got probably a 100lbs of liverock from him. The rock is still all live, but since itw as kept in "storage" with no lighting all the coraline algea is gone. I think the aquascaping isnt too bad, but he had so much my plan for a reef/outer barrier setup kinda hadta be changed. Anyway it has TONS of caves and passages and nooks and crannies. I havnt seen my chromis much at all since the rock was put in!
Anyway.. heres the pics :D
Full shot

Left side

Right Side


View from Left Down the Tank

View From Right Down the Tank


Active Member
Adding the LR, IMO, is one of the most exciting parts of the hobby, because it is then you can finally start to picture what the tank is going to look like. Nothing changes the look of the tank more than the addition of a large amount of LR.


Active Member
just curious, but is that a powerhead with all that pvc mess on it? what do you use it for?


Active Member
I don't know if you are looking for constructive critisism or not, but hopefully it doesn't offend you....first, the rock looks really dead to me.......void of most any life...if you paid a dollar or less a pound....it's all good, any more would be too much for basically baserock. I also agree with the PVC stuff......kind of intrusive.......that's about it, and other than that...the size and shapes are about perfect in my opinion, and the placement is cool and functional as far as water flow goes it seems from the pic. I have about four base rocks in my tank....I would dare anyone to tell me which they are....I can't even remember because they blended right in.....chuck in some good porous liverock, I am against Florida rock due to pests, in various areas.....and bring that stuff back....very nice pieces...too bad he had them in storage.....I see you have some tracks in the sand, so atleast some worms will find the rocks....seed it with rocks with tons of holes....that's the rock with creatures in it....but I would avoid Florida liverock personally. For a FO tank....Florida rock is great, but the focus in a reef is coral health, and reef are very hard to rid of pests.


The hideous thing in the corner is a mag7 with pvc on it for water flow. I had done this due to the fact that i could not get rid of the IMMENSE ammount of bubbles generated when i turn on my little giant. What ive done now is put the little giant into a closed loop setup and the mag7 is now in the sump powering the returns. I dont have much flow with it..but when i kickin the little giant its something like 2000gph total in the tank.
To answer sammy..im not sure how much i will be paying per pound cuz im not sure how much rock is actually there. I am figuring there is about 100lbs of rock that i added and im gonna pay him a 100 bucks for it. I intend to go get a few prize pieces of REAALLY nice Fiji rock and toss that in to seed the coraline and bacteria. Im also gonna add some more livesand to the tank as well. And no im not offended at all.. constructive criticism is part of the reason i posted. I wanted to get others opinions on the arraingement and such.
On the plus side... now that all this is done I can start work on getting my refugium up..id like to run a 47g hex for a refugium, but i may end up with a 35 not sure yet.. depends what i can fit into my car :)


Thanks! Im really stoked about the rock and such.. if ya cant tell :) The tank has been bugging me as i fight battle after battle with something> I still have a bad microbubble problem, but i have a way that has significantly reduced them at least. Next project is finishing my hood. Once i get that done i can add the quality rock pieces and get the coraline back. Then i start seeding and cycling the refugium. I am probably going to have to take my Little Giant pump and power a skimmer with it as i cant seem to get it from making small air bubbles everywhere. I am thinking of a mag18 or maybe a 24 to replacethe mag7 i have now to power the main returns at that point.


Very nice work
You have loads of rocks... maybe u can keep a mandarin 6-12 months later ;)
You also have a big tank, keep some tangs in, i wish i could put some in my tank but mine is a bit small...