(PIC): Just when I thought one Conspicillatus Angel is impossible for me to have...


Active Member
Can you say overstocked?!? Most of those fish are darn near impossible to find in the aquaria trade, or in the ocean for that matter. I went and looked at the photos on the link that you provided and saw some other pics of this tank and another FO tank on that site that made me sick. That goes way beyond keeping a tang in a 55g. Sorry for the rant, but it just makes me sick to see people having such a blatent lack of respect for those fish. (I know, I know; keeping fish in an aquarium is in the same ethical boat, but there is a fine line seperating a properly stocked tank, and what we see in these photos).


it's really true about the overstocking thing. Looks like all those rare fishes have no space to swim freely.


I only see one tang - a guttatus - the rest are golden butterfles and other REALLY nice angels. That pic doesn't show the whole tank and it obviously belongs to a wholesaler - cool fish


How is it possible that all those fish in that tank could even be fed? I've spent countless dollars on this hobby but thats like $10,000 dollars worth of livestock! Most aquarists can't keep some of those species alive in species tanks, and they are doing it in a overcrowded "glass cell!" Somethings gotta give, I wanna know more. Maybe it's just me but, in my 20 yrs. of fishkeeping, I've never seen a tank this overcrowed! Did you guys go to the site and see the other picture of this tank? Did you see the Blue Girdled Angel Hiding in the corner? It makes me so mad to see this, the owners should be jailed for animal cruelty!


that's true holocanthus...futhermore, what I don't really understand is that why keep more than one of the same rare species in the same tank?? it doesn't make sense at all. :confused: