Pic of my 55g FOWLR


Marine Scene in Herndon is close to me, haven't bought anything there yet but probably will soon. I am a newbie too, just going on my 2 months into this hobby. ***** is also close to me, but I wouldn't touch that one since I saw them flood all the sw tanks with fw and kill everything :scared:


Geez,***** in Manassas isn't too bad,They just have crowding problems. Marine Scene is a cool place! I bought my skimmer and heater there and more than likely gonna buy my first fish and live rock from 'em.


I bet LR is $$$$$ there. I got some from Maru down in Fredericksburg, that was $7lb but it was nice stuff. I am sure Marnie Scene has some nice stuff too. I haven't looked at their LR. I bought some from the classifieds here, in fact I had too much and ended up selling some it. I am going to sell two of my clowns are you in the market for clowns? I am going to get some cleaning crew members from Marine Scene maybe a cleaner shrimp but looking at their website they are $27.99!


I went to Marine scence today, they have Figi for $6 something a lb. That is less then I paid down in Fredericksburg! At Maru I paid $7.50 per lb. Hit me up after your tank cycles and let me know if you are looking for some clowns. Marine sells two tiny ones for $40, I am selling for two large $30!


Hey your tanks i Amazing! i have pretty much the same tank, i was wondering what all you have in that? i cant see the filter/skimmer?!? Im just starting as well and i need to know what to use for a filter/skimmer


Thanks! I do have a skimmer that is the black foam looking piece in the upper middle of the tank. I also have an emperor 400 bio wheel, and a wet/dry. The black background hides most of my stuff that is hanging on the back. I am going to be setting up my fuge next weekend. I might have over kill for filteration, I am thinking a lot of people with fowlr only have protien skimmers. But I felt you the more filters the better.


im going over kill with my filters too so dont feel left out. My tank is a 55 gallon hheres what i have, Wet/dry rated for 200 gallons, millineum 3,000, lr, 1 protein skimmer thats rated for about 125 gallons i think. cuts down alittle bit on mateniance. yes its more money but it means less work for me. Oh yeah and im starting up a fuge. lol
i like overkill


it looked pretty good. they have some that looks like rubble to me (they say it is for fagging) it was cheap, I think that is what I am going to get for my fuge, and they have ls $3.99 per lb.