pic of my hand burnt by my MH!


Active Member
lol tell me about it!
i probably shouldnt have shown everyone how retarded i am but that thing burnt the crap outta my hand


But, see... laughing at MY mental deficiency made it feel better for a sec, right? What are friends for?

I think we were both just... unlucky. .. yeah....


Active Member
yeah lol laughing wasnt my first reaction i think mine started with an F for some reason lol!!!
but yeah ive been hurt by my tank more lately than by my other hobbies lol


Active Member
ninjamini Go to the doctor and get silver sulfide cream. It will keep it from scaring

That stuff is the best.


Active Member
hey just got home and it started to get infected yesterday so i had to clean it up and put some neosporin on it and seems to be doin better today infection wise but its till nasty as u can see some of the blisters popped and doesnt look to good but overall its slowly gettin better hope it doesnt leave a huge scar though


Active Member
OUCH!!!!, looks like you should put some isoprobyl alcohol on it to numb the pain :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
hey just got home and it started to get infected yesterday so i had to clean it up and put some neosporin on it and seems to be doin better today infection wise but its till nasty as u can see some of the blisters popped and doesnt look to good but overall its slowly gettin better hope it doesnt leave a huge scar though

scars are cool though. makes you look tough!
you wold look tougher if it was on your forehead or your cheek or something. that would be real cool!


LOL! Was that a dig, Blaze? I'll have you know that my forehead is back to its former self, sans scar. Thankfully.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sunburnt
LOL! Was that a dig, Blaze? I'll have you know that my forehead is back to its former self, sans scar. Thankfully.

oh jeez... sorry didnt read the post fully.
my bad.
it still would have looked cool though!


I was totally kidding - completely unoffended - 100% joking! Don't feel bad!! If I didn't want anyone to laugh at me, I would've kept it to myself. Right, Murph?

But I lemme tell ya, no girl I know would think a scar on her forehead would look cool!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sunburnt
I was totally kidding - completely unoffended - 100% joking! Don't feel bad!! If I didn't want anyone to laugh at me, I would've kept it to myself. Right, Murph?

But I lemme tell ya, no girl I know would think a scar on her forehead would look cool!

I'd like a scar on my forehead.....but I am a guy...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sunburnt
Come a little closer...
Said the spider to the fly...

Like I said... MEN!

Come on now...don't you think it would be fun to play in a spider web? :thinking: :hilarious


Active Member
Oh, and Murph...nice burn bro! Have you seen a doctor? It almost looks worse in the second pic than the first? Better get that one checked out.


Active Member
today i was playing football after lunch with some people and i tried to recover a fumble and slipped on the ice on the black top. i didn't realize i was bleeding till two classes later!!!!!