pic of my tank!


ok guys i got a pic of my tank .... remember im just starten out and im still going to add some more rocks and fish : )


Active Member
great looking tank your doing great so far here our lfs has bangaii's in everyday of the week usually 8 or 9 at a time i just purchased oneI love your crab and firefish i was deciding between a firefish and my bangaii cardinal but you know which one i chose :D
Well the best of luck to you and your tank keep us posted on your tank i love the pics
Great Job


New Member
nice tank dude. just one question though, shouldn't there be a cover on that tank? or do most of saltwater tank not have a cover? do most lights usually sit up like that, being supported by something else? i'm guessing that is not regular lighting, but lighting for corals, inverts, etc, right?
Nice looking start! I can't wait to get some LR in my tank. Did you just prop you LR up to form the caves of did you attach them together somehow?


ya thanks guys ,, um i just put the rocks together like that , i took me a while to ajust them the way i wanted them , but i think 4 right now its a cool set up .....hey do u guys think i should get more LR if soo were??


u both have really nice tanks!!!, gezz i hope mine looks like that soon ,and DvSKiN feel free too put ur picks in here , my post is ur posts ... if u know wut im trying to say lol thanks guys