pic of my tank!


Active Member
my baby bagaii this is my last picture i know this is your post and im not trying to steal it just showing you some future livestock :D


Active Member
hey cypress I have msn messenger if you have any questions or want to just talk about the future of your tank or anything my msn is lilwizardby@hotmail.com I added you to my list I think you just have to accept me:rolleyes:


i didnt know about that topless thing, maybe i should try it, but im worried that salt creepl get outa the tank or onto my lite. as for the tanks they all look really good, but i have a ? for logan, wats that coral in the second pic?


Active Member
Its a blurry colt coral Frag I do also get some on my light but it won't effect them I just clean them off 1 a week or so when I algae scrub


Active Member
Hey cypress - you should prbably add some more rock - look for different kinds of branching and such - you can stack in the back corners or what not to fill out the tank....


Cypress, here is a question for you--I believe those lights COULD just sit on top of your tank, like with a glass top--what made you decide to use the "legs" to support your light? Just curious as we are thinking of upgrading lights and looking for several opinions and set-ups. Thanks


welll i thought since i didnt put pleqcy glass on top to restit a lil i thought i would just prop it up on the legs .. and i heard someone in this board tell me that it was good how i have it , soo i guess thats y i did it


Active Member
Cypress, very nice start. You have the lights exactly how they should be in my opinion. I never use any glass tops on my reef tanks. Light travels through air very easily compared to water, so having them up off the water is a good idea. Anyway, very nice start.



Originally posted by SquishyFish
Those are a very exotic, hard to aquire and care for fish known as Blue Chromis.:D They are alot more blue because of the suppliments I put on their food.

wat suplements, i use ZOE is that good for clowns?


Nice light. It does not shine at you to much when looking at the tank.


Active Member
My brother has lights like that on his tank.......I think they do shine in your face too much if you are sitting down. Just my opinion...I use a full canopy, and prefer it for that very reason.



Originally posted by SquishyFish
Zoe is good for thier general immune system. I also use "Garlic Xtreme" from Kent. It has two purposes. It draws out picky eaters because of the VERY strong odor (very concentrated). It also gets into thier blood stream which repels parasites...especially ick! Apparently they dont like the taste of it in the fishes blood and dont attach themselves. I also use Marine*C by kent. Its Vitamin C which also boost their immune system. So, healthier, less stress..brighter fish. Both of the kent produces are about 20.00, but they last forever. Put one drop on each cube of food then, let the food melt. By the time it has thawed out, the supp's should have been soaked up.

o ok, i was thinking about using garlic too. i get brine shrimp or clam and put it in a very small cup with sum fresh water, then put few drops of zoe in. i leave it in the fridge for a while and then whenits all thawed i use a dropper to feed it to them. i use the clam for anemones, should they be eating zoe?