Pic of the Tulips!


Active Member
Those are really cool Wrasse. Ok... yup, stupid question time... those are anenomes right?
And no, I have never kept anenomes for all you wiseguys who might read this post. :D
Nice new avatar wrasse. Very cool. :cool:


Active Member
Yes they are anenomes, very small. Guy sent me one a couple months ago. Apparantly they split often in the tank. They stay very small. The lady at my favorite lfs has a nice little piece of silverish pulsing xenia I can't get her to let go of. Now I've got something cool to barter with. I'm going to see if she'll trade for one of the tulip anenomes:) I got so excited about actually getting a pic, I forgot to add anenome to the title.


Active Member
sliverish pulsing xenia? wow. Now that sounds cool. Sounds rare too. I bet you can finagle her into a trade with your cool anenomes.


ya Wrassecal, I need to bargin with you on the tulip an. I will trade you a tulip anemone for Kyle for the week or two?-):):D
awesome pic. and you cant see those things hardly just looking at the tank theya re so small


Active Member
Yeah, you can appreciate since you are the only other one who's seen them and where they are located in person. Sorry about not being able to trade since I've got the tulips and Kyle already! It's going to be a lot easier for you to get your kid back than get one of those anenomes ;)


Active Member
I have about 10 in my tank. Mine are pink and green they are pretty cool and they do split pretty often


Active Member
dockery are you saying yours are pink with green tips? or green with pink like mine? I think they are so pretty. They are so small, people have to really be studying the tank to see them, a pleasant little surprise:)


Active Member
pink with green tips, I bet those are pretty too. I don't think they come in brown. I really haven't been able to find out too much about them.


Wrassecal, yep, those are just what mine look like that I got from Bang Guy too. But now I've got six of them. Is it your understanding that they don't get any larger than this?


Active Member
I have 2 tanks. The anemones are in the 165, my 125 is coming down this weekend. I got a bunch of trash cans yesterday I am taking out all the water, live rock and sand and starting over. I am taking out the built in filter, hey i have a mag drive. Anyhow going to put in live sand. Might leave most of what is there but we have to move it. Sold my foxface and desjerdini he is going to pick them up saturday. I am shipping out the clowns and just keeping the chevron, dottyback, wrasse and coral beauty. it is going to be a big mess. Oh ya I got a berlin skimmer and will use the live rock and sand for filtration
this is the tank coming down.


Active Member
Sterling - yes that is my understanding. Mine was originally smaller than the tip of an eraser, grew to maybe half inch before it split. I think they are so cool. Mine can eat what looks like twice it's size in a piece of fresh seafood! So have yours split twice now? or more?
Dockery - nice tanks!


Hey wrassecal!!! maybe your favorite boy "kyle" could perhaps recieve one of those tulip anemones once they split again....Kyle would really love it. Actually he would. Since he loves you guys sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.........:D