Picasso Trigger and a Lion?


I'm about to upgrade one of my tanks up to a 55 gallon corner type from a small 15gal. The only thing in there is live sand and rock, a clown fish and Picasso Trigger.
Once I get the bigger tank, would I be able to add a lion fish safely? Will the three get along do you think? Am I limited to a dwarf lion with that setup?
Thanks for any advise...


Active Member
A 55 gallon is too small for a Picasso Trigger alone. I don't think any size tank is good for putting a Lion with one of the more violent Triggers like a Picasso. A 55 can house a dwarf Lion with other similar sized but less violent fish like a Maroon Clown for example.


also remember even a dwarf lion will eat a small clownfish. Maroons would be ok
putting a lion and trigger together is always a gamble


Not a great idea and I've got a picasso and dwarf lion in my tank together right now. (Along with a clown trig :( ) Had I known when making the purchases what I have learned since then, I never would have put them together as tankmates. Right now the triggers couldn't care less about the lion, but I think that since (a) the lion was there first and (b) the lion is still bigger than the triggers it has a lot to do with it. I have a 50 gallon in my dining room that was set up about a week ago - still cycling but that is to be the home of my dwarf lion. Once I learned that these fish don't mix we made the necessary preparations. As I said, right now, they don't bother each other one bit, but I know it's just a matter of time and I'm pushing my luck with each day that passes.


Sounds like the two will not go over very well then... :( Thanks for the advise. The trigger has been in it's current tank (15 gal) for about 5 years now, so I'm sure he will be excited at least. :)
Any other ideas on what would make a good tank mate then for these two? I'd like to add one more after the upgrade.

crypt keeper

Active Member
You had a trigger in a 15 gallon tank for 5 years? Please take pictures of this new breed of dwarf trigger fish please. I put 1 in a 30 gallon for about 5 minutes then put him in the current 90. Its only 3 inches long right now. Im planning on a 150 or 180 in the near near future.


I'd like to see pics. How big is your trigger and how big was it when you purchased him? I know that the size of tanks contribute to growth and Picassos are known to grow slowly.


I'll take some pics tonight and post them. I would say he is about 3 maybe 4 inches. He has probably doubled in size over the last 5 years, but most of the growth was probably in the first 2-3....


Active Member
Size of tank shouldn't affect growth of saltwater fish. They are only limited by diet. Maybe Chagd did get the elusive dwarf Triggerfish.


Here is the amazing dwarf trigger! There is a pic of the whole tank and a close up. He is hiding a bit in the close up, but that is a Korella nano powerhead so you can get a good sense of his size....
I try to feed him as much as possible, but he almost never stops eating. Although I did over feed him some fresh scallops one night and he stayed hiding in his cave for two days. I really thought he was going to die, I'm glad he pulled though though. I guess I'll have to think of another tank mate for him though... Thanks for all the advise.


small triggers

Active Member
OMG thank god you got some sense and put him in a bigger tank,, what did he look like a goldfish in a bowl in that 15g or what??? I felt so sorry for a betta we got out of an apt we put it in a 7g,,,, If you want to put another fish with it,, youd better get a 150 ish,,, even that 55 will get to small for the 1 trigger by himself soon enough


Originally Posted by small triggers
OMG thank god you got some sense and put him in a bigger tank,, what did he look like a goldfish in a bowl in that 15g or what??? I felt so sorry for a betta we got out of an apt we put it in a 7g,,,, If you want to put another fish with it,, youd better get a 150 ish,,, even that 55 will get to small for the 1 trigger by himself soon enough
NO, those are pictures of him in the 15 Gal tank. I have not upgraded yet!


Active Member
That does not look like a 15 gallon tank. A 15 gallon is usually 2' x 1' x 1' and the length of that tank is more then 2x then height. It could possibly be a 20 gallon long, but I'd like to know the measurements. My bet is its a 30 gallon breeder(36" x 18" x 12")


I just measured it and it is 12 x 30 x12. From an on line calculator I found brings me to about 18 gal. Give or take I guess it would be considered a 20 gal tank. So, a bit bigger than I thought, but still too small for these guys.
So, if a lion is out, what would make a good tank mate when the 55 gal comes? He is a pretty non-aggressive trigger. He always hides when I have my hand in there and never bothers the clown. I guess another fish may be a different story though....

crypt keeper

Active Member
Sell the 55 save up some more money and pick up a 75 atleast. They can be found all day long on your local Craigslist. We can preach all day long that you dont have a big enough tank. You obviously wont listen cause you stuck that poor fish in a tin can.
I dont want to be the butt head but dude. Come on now. You have an algae issue. Its over taking your rock. That fish is a swimmer. It has no where to go. I mean you have kept it alive the past 5 years in that tank. It cant be happy. Maybe that has to do with is slow growth. Its probably stressed the hell out. I know all fish have a different personalities but if you look on this website most Humu Humu Triggers are terrors. Mine in just the 6 months I have had it I can damn near pet him. He will nip at my fingers thinking Im food. Your's swims and hide. I have had my clown fish for a moth. 1 I have had for two weeks. They swim to the top of the tank when I open the top to feed them.
Put a snail in there and get that algae issue taken care of. Where is the clown?
Either give that fish a correct place to live and swim or get rid of it. Its no different than having a Great Dane in a 1 bedroom apartment. Would you do that?


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Sell the 55 save up some more money and pick up a 75 atleast. They can be found all day long on your local Craigslist. We can preach all day long that you dont have a big enough tank. You obviously wont listen cause you stuck that poor fish in a tin can.
I dont want to be the butt head but dude. Come on now. You have an algae issue. Its over taking your rock. That fish is a swimmer. It has no where to go. I mean you have kept it alive the past 5 years in that tank. It cant be happy. Maybe that has to do with is slow growth. Its probably stressed the hell out. I know all fish have a different personalities but if you look on this website most Humu Humu Triggers are terrors. Mine in just the 6 months I have had it I can damn near pet him. He will nip at my fingers thinking Im food. Your's swims and hide. I have had my clown fish for a moth. 1 I have had for two weeks. They swim to the top of the tank when I open the top to feed them.
Put a snail in there and get that algae issue taken care of. Where is the clown?
Either give that fish a correct place to live and swim or get rid of it. Its no different than having a Great Dane in a 1 bedroom apartment. Would you do that?
Quite harsh but I must agree here


This is my 15 gallon QT. The rock that is in there is about 5x3" The sponge filters are 3x3x3 triangles...
I have kept a pair of clowns in there for not quite a year but anything else was tired of the tank within two to three months.