Picasso Trigger and Yellow Tang


I have had the Trigger for 2 weeks and the Yellow Tang has been around for several months. Anyways when i introduced the trigger to the tank the tang didnt really care just swam around and didnt pay attention to him. Well i just noticed that the trigger seems to be trying to cuddle with the tang and then swim away and then do it again. I know this sounds silly but it doesnt look like any sign of aggression. Anyone heard of this?


Watch for fin motion. Usually when one "cuddles" it is actually moving his fins to tell them to move on. Trigger sounds like he is claiming a spot that the yellow tang frequents. Not good. The yellow tang can slice your trigger. He was there first & will defend to the end. Triggers bite, but the tang will be too quick. Try moving the rocks or ornaments. This will tell the yellow to move & reclaim new space.


If he is just hanging out with him, and not swimming weird in any way, MY TWO DO THAT TOO!
My tang loves my trigger, and doesn't swish his tail at him at all. He will swim really close to him, and when they're just chillin, they sit next to each other. When I added my grouper, the tang liked him too, and would hang out with him all the time. I think maybe because they eat their scraps of food, and like their company!