Picasso Trigger, how aggressive?


I found a picasso trigger tonight at my LFS, and told him I wanted to do some research before buying it. I have found so far that the picasso isn't as aggressive as others. I know they arnt reef safe, but will they attack anenemoes, feather dusters, shrimp, hermits, star fish, snails, and how safe is my scooter blenny? Any help would be appreciated
Chances are he will get your scooter blenny, the shrimps, the snails, and possible the hermits. I wouldnt reccomend putting a picasso with those inverts...


i have kept a couple picassos and they aer quite agressive...soon enought evverything on that likst would be eaten


New Member
The aggression will increase with age.
I had to give my picasso away, because had killed off half of my tank in a few days. he was starting to push around the other fish in the tank and testing how far he could go with his tankmates. One day he just snapped, and that was the end.
This was in a 125 and he was only 3-4" in size.


I just took mine back to LFS it was beating up on all the other fish in the tank he was about 4 to 4.5 inches.