

I was wondering if maybe i could get a picasso trigger in my tank.
right now i have a snowflake eel and a scopas tang, my tank is a 110g.


Active Member
your talking about putting a very aggressive fish in with a fairly peaceful fish, now, i dont know anything really just what ive read about those 2 fish, but, im gonna say it a bad idea


In my experience it'd work just fine. My picasso never bothered, not even once either of my tangs or any other fish.


Active Member
see, an expert chiming in :p just what we needed to correct me LOL thanks R, i only knew what i had read about em, so wasnt sure, i was hopin one of you guys would chime in


Active Member
goin by what R said, i think u should be fine, just keep an eye on em is all, but, us hould be fine, they are beautiful fish man, grats on gettin one


Active Member
Originally Posted by corbeaner
So, is it risky to have one in this tank or should it be fine?
There isn't such a thing as "no risk"; but most eels (I admit to not knowing much about eels) and most tangs can take care of themselves. Tangs are certainly not whimpy fish. BTW; It seems that every lfs has a good supply of cute little Picasso or Huma triggers. They do turn into bigger, more aggressive (and very beautiful & personable) fish. The trigger should be fine with what you have, but remember it will affect what you can do in the future.
Edit: i just looked at LAs compatibility chart and , if I'm reading it right, it says "no" to mixing eels & triggers. I sure see a lot of posts from folks who commonly keep them together; so take my opinion about the eel is really just a semi-educated guess.


i just got fish in the shop last week, and a little 2 inch picasso took out a 4 and a half inch powder blue and a 6 inch lunare wrasse, so be very careful, these fish once established with a territory they can get nasty


Active Member

Originally Posted by -Tara33-
i just got fish in the shop last week, and a little 2 inch picasso took out a 4 and a half inch powder blue and a 6 inch lunare wrasse, so be very careful, these fish once established with a territory they can
get nasty
Yeah, it is common for a tiny trigger to terrorize fish much bigger than themselves. I think a 110 gal would make a big difference, though.


Bottom line is that every fish has a different personality. So even if the general guideline says that Picassos are not overly agressive, you can get stuck with one that is a complete lunatic. There is no 100% safe trigger. These are naturally agressive fish. But in my tank, 150 gal, the picasso was a lot less agressive than a niger and less agressive than a powder blue tang. On a trigger agression scale, I'd rate picassos somewhere in the middle.
You have blue throat, sargassum, crosshatch that are the least agressive. Then you have picasso and niger somwehere in the middle. Then there are the undulated and queen as most agressive. Clown triggers I would place between nigers and undualated.


I had one attack me in Hawaii when I got to close to his area. He was only about 6" but he sure wasn't afraid of me. Anything with attitude like that I would worry about.

el guapo

Active Member
I think you would do fine with that combo . I have had them in a tank together before and had no problems.


Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
I think you would do fine with that combo . I have had them in a tank together before and had no problems.
+1 The tang should be fine. I had a picasso and a mexican dragon eel together for 3 years in a 55 gallon years ago. Had to sell them when I moved, but they did fine together. I was actually more afraid for the trigger as it started in the tank about 1-2" and the eel was about 1', but no problems for me.


Active Member
My mom as a early Chirstmas gift bought me a Huma Huma Piccaso also. Now he is in with a Niger and a Bursa luckily the Piccaso and Bursa are the same size and getting along also helps that I rearranged the tank before I put the New one in. He is in with a DFP 3 tangs Blue Hippo Sailfin and Blonde Naso Male and a pair of Clarki clowns lost my SFE due to I bought a house and he jumped out of the bucket he was being transported in and landed on a empty box of supplies during the move.