pick what i should buy!!!


Active Member
It is not so much feeding them, as water quality fluctuations. Young tanks may face numerous fluctuations in water chems, even from water changes or irregular top offs. So I don't really favor putting any star in that environment, in general. Once the tank matures there are definitely potential options. :yes:


Well I wouldnt be able to even buy any fish or anything for a bit because of cash. However, I have around $140 so I can easily have a tank and just let it sit in here, which I will be doing. In the meantime I just sit on here and read read read! :joy:
I now plan on like you all say just to use live sand and live rock and cycle the tank and get everything running properly with a "Raw" shrimp. There is a sticky thread up top that I read over. Then I will get a clean up crew and 2 damsels (for cheap purposes) to break in the tank more. Once everything is really stable I will most likely just get clown fish and others you have all recommended.
More help is appreciated! :jumping:


Active Member
Skip the damsels, go straight for the clowns. If cost is an issue, you can just get one then add a very small one later. (The smaller one will become the male, and easily submit to the resident. An equal or larger fish will fight for dominance in a new tank.) If you get damsels now, and clowns later, you're either going to have damsels beating up your clowns, or you're going to have to go on a merry chase to get rid of them.


Active Member
Besides the tank and filtration, I wish I spent more $$ on LR. I am now building up my LR load (up to 60lbs now), but have to keep arranging rock around fish. Get the tank setup, and then go for LR before fish, inverts, corals, etc. The only other thing that I can think of would be a cleaning crew after cycle has completed. Just wait to get fish.


Alright, more ideas help
and instead of making a new thread...a new question....
What heater and filter should I use?
Both my friends have Emporer 280 systems I believe thats the name, and as for heater i cant remember..are those good or not so good (one has a 35 gallon tank the other has a 45 gallon tank)


Active Member
Forget the biowheel stuff, you want a protien skimmer instead. Some people actually do well with a large ammount of live rock and just a powerhead for low bioload aquariums.


If you want an inexpensive starter fish, start with blue green chromis. they are a very peaceful fish and mix well. plus they only cost 3 to 4 dollars each. Good luck with your tank


Ill look into those. I just want those inexpensive fish in my tank and have them in my tank for a while to make sure nothing happens to them..instead of at first wasting money, and that will build up some stuff for the cleaner crew etc..!


that is awsome :happy:
so much going on in there, great rock-scaping, that is great looking!


WIll they have that at Barnes & Noble bookstore do you think?


You can get it at that amazon website a heck of a lot cheaper


I found it on ---- for $19 shipped. Im guessing thats cheap compared to lots of spots? I think ill just go ahead and order that..


If you decide to get a hangon filter, i would go with the emperor 400 .
That is the biggest one emperor makes.