pickeling lime in philly area.


Any know where I can find some pickeling lime in the philly area? I asked the guy at shoprite and he looked at me like I had lobsters growing out of my ears. I need some to make homemade joe's juice. my lfs sells kalk but it's like $20.00 for a small container.


Active Member
Go to your grocery and ask them to get some for you. Mrs waggs do a google search. I just forund a place that sells 5 lbs for$6.93. With shipping your under $20. 5 lbs is a lot.


ive seen it in every Kroger I have ever bothered to look in. They usually have a little canning section,its in a white plastic jar with a green lid.


nearest kroger is 28 miles away.that way too far for $1.50's worth of lime if they even have it. Maybe I'll try the health food store.


called 2 health food stores in the area, they both said, Pickeling lime? what's that for? I guess canning and pickling ain't a city thing. I'll see if I can order a small amount online.
Walmart carries it where they sell the canning supplies. i live in Delawar and thats where i get it. we also have it at a garden center called alexanders.


orderd 1 pound can from mrs. wages online. $10.85 total. that's half the price of the lfs for a life time supply of lime. this wouldn't of even been an issue if the stupid copperband butterfly I got a month ago would eat aptasia.maybe when I make my juice I'll shoot a little up his butt for punishment. thanks for everyones help.