picky,picky eaters


I have two new clowns. Only fish in the tank. They barely pick at Formula 1 flake and same with zooplankton but give them live brine and they go nuts. I have heard a strictly live brine diet leads to health problems and an early passing. Any suggestions. I hate to just give them flake and say eat or nothing else but how else do you get them on a variety? Thanks, Don
My clown eats about everything, I usually fed frozen brine, and blood. I tried to get the formula one stuff for my angel, and the rest, but NONE of them will touch it. They also sometimes pick at the algea in the veggie clip, but mostly like their frozen food.


frozen food is your best option. Brine shrimp that is frozen has essiential nutrients added to it. In addition, there is a great variety of frozen food to offer.


New Member
Wow thought I was the only one on here with Clown probs... I am having the same prob with my 4 that I have. They aint to keen on the flake food so I am about to try some squid and see if they take to that... If you come up with anything else let me know.. Thanks